
SS 2025:
Research Seminar in Computer Science (Seminar, CS-UH 3090)

FS 2023:
Discrete Mathematics (Lecture, CS-UH 1002)

SS 2023:
Computer Security (Lecture, CS-UH 3210)

FS 2022:
Computer Security (Lecture, CS-UH 3210)

SS 2022:
Computer Security (Lecture, CS-UH 3210)

SS 2021:
Discrete Mathematics (Lecture, CS-UH 1002)

FS 2019:
Computer Security (Lecture, CS-UH 3210)
Privacy in a Digital Society (Core Colloquium, CCOL-UH 1027)

FS 2018:
Computer Security (Lecture, CS-UH 3210)
Privacy in a Digital Society (Core Colloquium, CCOL-UH 1027)

FS 2017:
Computer Security (Lecture, CS-UH 3210)

FS 2016:
Computer Security (Lecture, CS-AD 170)
Discrete Mathematics (Lecture, CS-AD 116)

SS 2016:
Data Structures (Lecture, CS-AD 103)

SS 2015:
Wire­less Se­cu­ri­ty (Lecture)
Se­cu­ri­ty and Pri­va­cy of Wire­less Net­works and Mo­bi­le De­vices (Seminar)

WS 2014/15:
Pri­va­te and An­ony­mous Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on (Lecture)
Se­cu­ri­ty and Pri­va­cy of Wire­less Net­works and Mo­bi­le De­vices (Seminar)

SS 2014:
Wire­less Se­cu­ri­ty (Lecture)
Se­cu­ri­ty and Pri­va­cy in Wire­less Net­works (Seminar)

WS 2013/2014:
Wire­less Se­cu­ri­ty (Lecture)
Se­cu­ri­ty and Pri­va­cy in Wire­less Net­works (Seminar)