
Christina Pöpper
Program Head of Computer Science
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Cyber Security & Privacy Lab (CSP-lab)
New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD)
P.0. Box 129188
Abu Dhabi, UAE

E-Mail: christina.poepper@nyu.edu, christina@poepper.net
Tel: +971 2 6284360
PGP-Key: 0x7A939D38
DBLP | Google Scholar | Semantic Scholar | NYU Scholars

Recent News

9/2024: Zacharia Kornas joined as Ph.D. student – Welcome Zacharia!

8/2024: In collaboration with Damon McCoy, I had the pleasure of co-hosting an exciting workshop on “Fairness, Bias, and Factuality in LLMs” at NYU Tandon. Thank you to the participants for their amazing contributions and participation in discussions.

8/2024: Shujaat Mirza defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled “Towards Responsible AI: Safeguarding Privacy, Integrity, and Fairness”  at NYU Courant – Congratulations!

7/2024: Paper published at the 24th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS 2024): Media talks Privacy: Unraveling a Decade of Privacy Discourse around the World [PDF]. Congratulations, Shujaat & Corban! This paper was a runner-up (out of 4) for the Andreas Pfitzmann Best Student Paper Award.

5/2024: Paper published at WiSec’24: ASTRA-5G: Automated Over-the-Air Security Testing and Research Architecture for 5G SA Devices [PDF] [code]. Congratulations, Syed and the whole team!

4/2024: The summer submission cycle for NDSS’25 has started. Full force ahead with Hamed Okhravi and our wonderful program committee! Thanks for all your submissions, authors!

1/2024: Programs for NDSS’24 and ACNS’24 are getting finalized. Very excited about both!

11/2023: Attending CCS’23 in Copenhagen. Excited to contribute to the iMentor Workshop 2023.

9/2023: Starting as Program Head of Computer Science at NYUAD (please bear with me if my responses are slower than usual).

6/2023: All good things come in threes :-): Three papers accepted at USENIX Security’23: CodexLeaks: Privacy Leaks from Code Generation Language Models in GitHub Copilot [PDF] (congrats Liang, Shujaat & Zayd), Freaky Leaky SMS: Extracting User Locations by Analyzing SMS Timings [PDF] (congrats Vaggelis & Theo), and Bypassing Tunnels: Leaking VPN Client Traffic by Abusing Routing Tables [PDF] (congrats Nian, Yashaswi, & Zihang)! Thank you Mathy & Aanjhan for the collaboration!

5/2023: Paper published at WiSec’23: UE Security Reloaded: Developing a 5G Standalone User-Side Security Testing Frameworks [PDF] [code]. Congratulations, Vaggelis, Syed, and the whole team, and big thanks to Google!

4/2023: CACM SIGSAC update II: Excited to have joined the Viewpoints section of CACM as Associate Editor. From now on: I am on the search for great contributions.

4/2023: CACM SIGSAC update I: The SIGSAC Research Highlights Committee concluded its work with recommendations for the Communications of the ACM (CACM) Research Highlights team. It has been amazing to review many excellent security contributions.

3/2023: It is only a few weeks until the Cycle 1 submission deadline of NDSS’24, on April 19, 2023. Please make Mathias Payer, me, and the TPC we are currently assembling very busy :-).

3/2023: ACNS 2024, the 22nd International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, is going to take place at NYUAD in Abu Dhabi, March 5-8, 2024! Looking forward to your submissions and shaping an exciting program together with Lejla Batina.

2/2023: Excited about being accepted as an NYU 19WSN Faculty Fellow, an NYU & NYUAD collaboration fellowship, which will make us work more with Damon McCoy from NYU Tandon. Updates to follow.

1/2023: Syed Khandker is joining the CSP-lab to work on aviation and mobile network security challenges as postdoctoral researcher. Welcome Syed, we are excited that you are joining us!

News Archival


Christina Pöpper is a tenured faculty of Computer Science at New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) where she is heading the Cyber Security & Privacy (CSP-) Lab. She is the Co-PI of Research at the Center for Cyber Security (CCSAD) at NYUAD and a Global Network Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at NYU. Previously, until August 2022, she was also affiliated as a visiting professor with Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, where she was heading the Information Security Group as part of the Horst-Görtz-Institute for IT-Security (HGI).

Christina’s research interest is cyber security and privacy. Focus areas are wireless and communication security, including cellular network security, secure localization, and aerial cyber security, as well as privacy and anonymity in communication networks. The research work of her group has been recognized by the Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure program of GSMA, the GSM Association. Christina is co-chairing the TPCs of NDSS’24 and ACNS’24. Christina has been a member of the steering committee of ACM WiSec, the ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks, since 2018, and was TPC Co-Chair in 2018 and General Chair in 2021. Since 2021, she has been a member of the Executive Committee of ACM SIGSAC.

Christina holds a Ph.D. and a graduate degree in Computer Science from ETH Zurich. In her diploma thesis, she worked on information flow analysis and the automatic detection of information leaks during program execution. Christina also worked at the European Space Agency in Paris; space rocks.